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PRESS RELEASE – picturemaxx becomes a CEPIC member

Bild von Christian Sarow, Senior Vice President IT der picturemaxx AG

Press Release

Munich/Brussels, March 1, 2023

picturemaxx becomes a CEPIC member

picturemaxx AG, a market-leading software and technology company headquartered in Munich, has joined the International Association of the Media Licensing Industry, CEPIC, as an “Associated Member”. Headquartered in Brussels, the association represents hundreds of stock agencies and archives whose core business is the direct licensing of visual content.

Thomas Maeling, CEO of picturemaxx AG:

“CEPIC stands for the cross-national representation of the interests of the picture industry with the aim of actively shaping and improving the framework conditions of its members. The association also offers the annual Cepic Congress, currently the most significant networking event for picturemaxx on the international stage.”

CEPIC president, Christina Vaughan:

“We are very pleased that picturemaxx, an acclaimed tech-nology provider, has become an Associate Member. This not only underlines the international relevance of CEPIC as a global trade association but having such an esteemed company as part of our membership, helps to elevate our message and voice in the wider public arena. We look for-ward to a long and mutually rewarding partnership.”

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Contact MarCom

Britta Milde, Head of Marketing Tel: +49 89 357 1470


CEPIC represents hundreds of Picture Libraries and Agencies, representing hundreds of thousands of photographers, videographers and increasingly synthographers, whose core business is the direct licensing of visual content off-line and online. Acting as right holders, Picture Libraries and Agencies license digital assets for all kinds of commercial uses, to newspapers, magazines, advertising, broadcasters, etc. CEPIC members are continuously adaptive towards innovative technology solutions for the growth in digital enterprises and have developed sophisticated digital platforms to both market digital content online and provide digital access to images.

About picturemaxx

picturemaxx AG – the market leader in the professional image market

picturemaxx AG is a market-leading software and technology company with decades of experience in the development and licensing of media asset management solutions and digital sales platforms. Our innovative systems open up access to the world‘s largest network of professional content portals and enable digital content to be organized and offered more efficiently and to be used in a lawful manner.

picturemaxx Media Network and my-picturemaxx

The picturemaxx Media Network brings together professional users and media providers. The media search engine my-picturemaxx enables media users to search and license all media offered via this network with a single search query. The portfolio includes further services that are geared to the needs of media procurement and media management.

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