Experience efficient image search with
Try it free for 30 days now!
Test our my-picturemaxx software for 30 days free of charge and without obligation.
Professional images such as stock photos, creative and editorial images – at my-picturemaxx you have access to the databases of hundreds of photo agencies at the same time. In the software you can see at a glance whether the images are licensed or royalty-free and you can legally license the images for commercial or editorial use.
Experience the advantages of a comprehensive image search with my-picturemaxx.

Ready to go in just a few clicks
Test completely without obligation
Only email address needed
Windows | MacOS (Desktop)
*The full version costs €189 per year (plus VAT). Order here.
Advantages of my-pictuermaxx
Search and license images across the board - in a global marketplace of stock agencies, archives and portals
Valuable every day
Save time
Save valuable time and resources by searching the databases of several hundred picture agencies simultaneously. Thanks to the powerful search function of my-picturemaxx, you can expand your search at the touch of a button and browse an extensive selection of images from various sources.
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work
You can work on projects alone or together in a team, create lightboxes and share them. Optimize your workflow and save valuable time on image research and licensing.
Over millions of media are displayed for you in my-picturemaxx. Whether stock or editorial, current or historical, with my-picturemaxx you can be sure to find images from absolutely any category and at almost any time. Expand your creative possibilities by accessing a wide range of images that will enrich your projects and help you communicate your message effectively.

Beate Blank-Wengefeld, ADAC Verlag
"For us in the general picture editing department at ADAC Verlag, speed and range are what counts ...."
Vollversion vs. Demoversion
Welche Unterschiede gibt es im Funktionsumfang
Media filter
Demo Version
Full Version
Create lightboxes
Sharing lightboxes
Search within all providers
Technical Support
Test my-picturemaxx in only 3 simple steps

1. Download
Windows | MacOS
Laden Sie die
Demoversion für Ihr Betriebssystem herunter.

2. Installation
Datei herunterladen,
mit Doppelklick die Installation starten und den Bildschirmanweisungen folgen.

3. Registrierung
Registrieren Sie anschließend Ihren Demo-Account
bei my-picturemaxx.
The most important answers in advance
When does the 30-day trial period start?
What happens after the 30 days of the trial?
Is the trial version really free?
Can I test the product on more than one device?
How much does a picture cost via my-picturemaxx?
Is my-picturemaxx a picture agency or a portal?
Will I be charged after the 30 days?
For whom is my-picturemaxx particularly suitable?